30th of January In Europe, President Zedillo affirms that the Zapatistas do not have “one gram of good faith,” although he adds that whether or not […]
On January 1, 1994, the Zapatista Liberation Army (EZLN) declared war on the Mexican govern-ment and occupied four county seats in the state of Chiapas: San […]
In January a meeting took place between the Zapatista Commanders and the then Secretary of State, Esteban Moctezuma Barragán. The date for the next meeting was […]
In the beginning of January, the EZLN announced the creation of the Zapatista Front for National Liberation (FZLN), a new political force that was independent, peaceful, […]
In January, the EZLN accused the government of violating the agreement by presenting an alternative proposal. The EZLN refused to resume the negotiations until the government […]
In 1998, the contradiction between the efforts towards peace and the policy of force engaged in by the government became more evident. The peace process appeared […]
This tendency to regionalize the conflict to the maximum was reinforced in 1999. The government seemed to want to resolve the causes of the conflict (see […]