SIPAZ – Quaterly Report


FOCUS: Escazu in the Mexican Environmental Context

The Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean (better known as the Escazu Agreement as it was adopted in the Costa Rican city of that name), is a pioneering legal instrument on environmental protection, and at the same time a human rights treaty that proposes a transformation of environmental governance.

LATEST: Mexico – June 6th Elections, biggest and most violent in history

Mexico held elections on June 6th, which were estimated to be the biggest in the country's history, since more than 20,000 popularly elected positions were contested; among them 500 members of the Chamber of Deputies, the governments of 15 states and thousands of positions in local congresses and city councils.

ARTICLE: 8M – Confronting the “Virus” of Violence against Women in Mexico

In the middle of the pandemic, despite the possible risks of infection from COVID-19, thousands and thousands of women, members of feminist collectives and civil organizations, as well as individuals, took to the streets in multiple states of the Republic on March 8th, International Women's Day, to demand respect for their rights and, in particular, to demand a life free of violence.

FOCUS: Youth in Mexico – an approach to their perspectives and opinions

According to the United Nations Youth Strategy Report (2020), the world is home to the largest generation of young people in history with 1.8 billion people, of which about 90% live in developing countries. In Mexico there are 30.7 million young people, that is, 24.6% of the total population.

LATEST: Midterm Elections – Dispute for the Continuity of the Fourth Transformation

On June 6th, elections will be held in Mexico in which 500 councils and more than 20,300 local offices will be decided, including 15 governorships. They will be held in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

FOCUS: Human rights in the hands of corporate goodwill

Globalization in today's world has resulted in changes at both the micro and macro levels, with pros and cons, including new challenges when it comes to the protection of human rights (HR). The globalized world has reshaped economic powers into a world in which multinational companies have especially come to gain unprecedented power and influence.

LATEST: Mexico – “A long way to go to exit human rights crisis”, Government

On December 10th, on the occasion of International Human Rights Day, the Report “Second Year, A New Human Rights Policy and Presentation of the National Human Rights Program” was presented by the Ministry of the Interior.

ARTICLE: The Contributions of Indian Theology in the Transformative Commitment of the Catholic Church in Chiapas

The first month of the coming year will mark the tenth anniversary of the passing of Bishop Samuel Ruiz Garcia (1924-2011), a recognized defender of the rights of indigenous peoples in Mexico and Latin America. Also known as j'Tatik Samuel (which means father in the Tseltal language), he is - possibly - the bishop who has most promoted what is usually called Indian Theology.