SIPAZ Activities (April – June 1997)
31/07/1997ANALYSIS: Violence Spreads like an Epidemic in Chiapas
July – September 1997
- Meetings with: SIPAZ advisors, the new director of the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) in Chiapas, a delegation from Norway involved in the civilian peace camps, a Christian Peacemaker Teams delegation from the U.S. and Canada, the volunteer coordinator of MINUGUA (U.N. Mission for Guatemala), which does human rights monitoring
- other international visitors.
- Participation in the “Strategic Reflection for Peace” workshop in Mexico City. Sponsored by the Coalition of Civic Organizations for Democracy. The conclusions were taken up in a workshop in September organized with the Civic Alliance.
- Participation in the Chicano/Indigenous Cultural Gathering in the Aguascalientes of Oventik.
- Participation in a workshop on personal development organized by CORECO (Commission for Community Unity and Reconciliation).
- Participation in the regional and national assemblies of ANIPA (National Pluralistic Indigenous Assembly for Autonomy).
- In the context of the Northern Station for Easing of Tension and Reconciliation, regular meetings to analyze the evolving political situation, with a special focus on the northern region of Chiapas.
- Participation in the Second Ecumenical Conference for Reconciliation and Peace in Chiapas. (See “Sharing the Sorrow and the Hope“.)
- Participation together with other non-governmental organizations from San Cristobal de las Casas in weekly meetings to study the theme of autonomy and to analyze the political situation.
- Participation in the Popular Municipal Assembly of Ocosingo that took place after the local municipal offices were occupied.
- Participation as observers in the founding congress of the Zapatista Front for National Liberation in Mexico City.
- Production and distribution of the quarterly SIPAZ Report.
- Participation in a delegation of observers to San Cayetano to monitor the reinstallation of the military base there.
- A two-day team retreat to do analysis and to prepare the SIPAZ Strategic Plan for the next year.