
ARTICLE: Ecumenism and Networking, Paths of Hope for Chiapas

In April 2024, at the facilities of the Institute of Intercultural Studies and Research C.A., a change of direction of the organization was made. Ernesto Martin Guerrero Zavala left office and Gerardo Torres Estrada took over as the new director.

ARTICLE: Spinning Alternatives with Children and Adolescents in Chiapas

In August, the Forum “Spinning Alternatives with the Children of Chiapas” was held in San Cristobal de Las Casas, convened by Melel Xojobal, the Network for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (REDIAS) and Slamalil Kinal.

FOCUS: Forced Displacement: Global Crisis, National Incapacity

Every June 20th, World Refugee Day is celebrated, in a context in which, according to data provided by the United Nations (UN), twenty-four individuals leave their homes every minute, escaping war conflicts, persecutions or horror situations.